Here's a page from "One Banana Short". It's free for 4 more days on the #Kindle Click here to Download.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Cow Aspect Ratio
Here's todays Cowtoon. To get a World of Cow ebook on #kindle go here
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
World of Cow Cartoons
Here's todays Cowtoon. To get a World of Cow ebook on #kindle go here
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
World of Cow Cartoon
Here's todays Cowtoon. To get a World of Cow ebook on #kindle go here
Monday, February 24, 2014
Free Hot Onion Soup, on the Kindle
Here's a still from my #Kindle book "Hot Onion Soup". It's now FREE to download. Here Or just search for Hot Onion Soup.
World of Cow cartoon
Here's todays Cowtoon. To get a World of Cow ebook on #kindle go here
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Hot Onion Soup on the Kindle
I know it sounds like a bad ide, but you should get "Hot Onion Soup" on your Kindle. No really, I'm serious, because it's the new Childrens book by Bill Greenhead. A Lovely little story plus a recipe to make with your children to boot.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
World of Cow
Here's todays Cowtoon. To get a World of Cow ebook on #kindle go here
Friday, February 21, 2014
Invasion of the Bollock Snatchers Free on the #Kindle
My new #Kindle cartoon book is now #Free on the #Kindle for the next 5 days. Click here to buy in UK. Search "Invasion of the Bollock Snatchers" in other provinces.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
World of Cow
Here's todays Cowtoon. To get a World of Cow ebook on #kindle go here
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
World of Cow
MooNing folks. Here's todays Cowtoon. To get a free #kindle of WoC go here
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
StiKtoonZ Comic for free for 5 days!
My First EComic is now live on #Kindle for Free for 5 days. Check it out. Click here.
Todays World of Cow cartoon
MooNing folks. Here's todays Cowtoon. To get a free #kindle of WoC go here
Monday, February 17, 2014
Your Country Needs MOO!
On sale now on the #Kindle for $1.99 or £1.29. Not a lot to keep a little cartoonist fed and watered. Click here to buy.
Woc cartoon for today
Here's todays Cowtoon. To get a free #Kindle of over 300 cowtoons until the 19th of Feb go to here.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
My Free Kindle cartoon collections.
My New Book "Baby Bomb" on Kindle is out now for free for 5 days until the 19th February 2014. To download it click here
The last free #Kindle book is a collection of over 300 World of Cow cartoons. Please download and share with your friends. If you like them buy my other books.They are very cheap. Click here to download for free until 19th Feb.
My other free kindle book is "Life SUCKS at 40" This is free for the same amount of time. Click here to download.
Friday, February 14, 2014
I'm a Theorectical Scientist! And so are you.

So then, I want to be one of those. I want to blurt something out profound and get other more clever people to prove I'm right. Or at least on the right track as I'm not a scientist thinking slightly differently. Here it is, here's my theory.
Quantum physics does not exist. That's it, I said it,it doesn't exist. Let me tell you why. When we look at a photon, or what ever and scratch our head because it behaves like a wave if we look for it, but then a particle if we look for that behaviour. We say how can it be both things, it cannot be 2 things at once? Well how about this...It is the same thing, it's 2 sides of the same coin. It's just once thing exhibiting 2 behaviours simultaneously.
How is this possible? Well here's the doozy. Back before the universe existed, there were these 2 universes, one made of wave forms one of particles, they decided to collided. This was such a massive force the two universes binded and made one. That's how the universe existed everywhere at once like 2 panes of glass smashing together. A colossal universe side chest bump.
So, in effect we are living in 2 universes at once. How's that for a mad cracked up theory? Over to you clever people.
Happy Valentines Day
Happy Valentines Day! We have a new Kindle version of World of Cow out called "365 Cow Jokes Later". As from the 15th of Feb 2014, for 5 days you can download this book for FREE! To Buy it go here
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Cowtoonz Gifts Zazzle Store
Be my guest to take a look at the latest World of Cow card range. There's probably a few cartoons so old, you haven't seen them.
Tuesday, February 04, 2014
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Here's the full storyboard for the next Sketchy Kats. What I like about it is there are lots of opportunities to add extra ...
I realised we get to the tug of war sequence too early, so I added this extra scene. I sat down not knowing what I needed to add, certai...